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I am a climate scientist – and this is my plea to our newly elected politicians

I am a climate scientist who has spent the last two decades studying how our climate is changing and sharing our increasingly urgent and frightening findings with the world. This is my plea to our newly elected politicians.


Why vote independent?

The Australian Federal election campaign is in full swing, ahead of us voting at the polls on 21st May. Amongst all of the debates, political ads, posters and pamphlets, you may have noticed that this year there are A LOT of Independent candidates - i.e. candidates that are not associated ...


The election showed Australia’s huge appetite for stronger climate action. What levers can the new government pull?

The next three years will be challenging economically and politically. But the transformation wrought by the election has opened up the possibility of a similar transformation of climate policy. With bold action, a bright future awaits.


Greenwashing: The Challenge for Conscious Consumers

As people take to the streets (and screens!) to demand change, it finally seems as though brands are taking note - but do they really care or is it all just the work of clever marketing teams?


I want my vote to count for nature: how do the major parties stack up?

Protecting biodiversity isn’t just about the niceties of saving cute and cuddly animals. It’s about maintaining our health and prosperity, productive agriculture and liveable cities. So let’s take a closer look at political party promises, and whether they’re enough to turn things around for Australia’s threatened species.

MoneyGirls ShareClothes

A guide to buying quality over quantity!

“Buy quality over quantity!” is one of the most common phrases you’ll hear in the slow fashion community, and the sentiment is correct! It is much more sustainable to buy good quality pieces that will last, than to constantly purchase flimsy, poor-quality, fast fashion outfits that will rip and tear ...


Corals and sea anemones turn sunscreen into toxins – understanding how could help save coral reefs

In our new study, published in Science, we found that when corals and sea anemones absorb oxybenzone, their cells turn it into phototoxins, molecules that are harmless in the dark but become toxic under sunlight.


Beyond electric cars: how electrifying trucks, buses, tractors and scooters will help tackle climate change

When you think of an electric vehicle, chances are you’ll picture a car. But there’s a quiet revolution going on in transport. It turns out electrification can work wonders for almost all of our transport options, from electric bikes to motorbikes to buses to freight trains and even to tractors ...


Net zero by 2050 will hit a major timing problem technology can’t solve. We need to talk about cutting consumption

if the world’s energy consumption grows at the pre-COVID rate, technological change alone will not be enough to halve global CO₂ emissions by 2030. We will have to cut energy consumption 50-75% by 2050 while accelerating the renewable build. And that means lifestyle change driven by social policies.