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Whether you're a snorkeller or CEO, you can help save our vital kelp forests

You might think – what can I do? I’m not a scientist. But all around the world, communities and individuals are working to restore these ecosystems.


Show your generosity to our planet this holiday season by avoiding waste. Here’s how.

The festive season is about showing generosity and sometimes this results in a bit of over-catering.


What planting tomatoes shows us about climate change

As temperatures warm, something as simple as planting tomatoes can prove to us that seasonal wisdom might not still work as the climate warps


Ever heard of ocean forests? They're larger than the Amazon and more productive than we thought

Hidden underwater are huge kelp and seaweed forests, stretching much further than we previously realised. With their ability to grow quickly and sequester carbon, they may hold part of the climate change answer!


Earth paintings & foraged pigments with Lucy Hersey

We chat with Lucy about her landscape painting, her connection to earth, and how we can tap into a more sustainable painting practice and use materials foraged from the natural world.


Yes, the state of the environment is grim, but you can make a difference, right in your own neighbourhood

Here are five things we can think about to improve the state of our city environments, close to home and in our own neighbourhoods!



Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2022


Local efforts have cut plastic waste on Australia’s beaches by almost 30% in 6 years

The waste management efforts of local government councils and community clean up programs dramatically help to reduce plastic waste along the Australian coastline.


Shifting seasons: using Indigenous knowledge and western science to help address climate change impacts

Traditional Owners in Australia are the creators of millennia worth of traditional ecological knowledge, this can be used as climate change disrupts the non-indigenous weather calendar.