
Latest Energy posts


Electrifying our homes doesn't have to be complicated!

Barriers and some of the solutions to help with our partners Goodbye Gas!


This Is Electric bringing electrification to the people

Stories from our 1 Million Women Community


Lessons we can all learn from countries at the forefront of renewable energy

It is clear that we, as individuals, and governments must embrace a renewable energy future. Here's what can we learn from the countries already doing it well.


First Nations people must be at the forefront of Australia's renewable energy revolution

Access to clean energy can also help First Nations people protect their culture and heritage, and remain on Country.


How do I use air conditioning efficiently? Is it better to blast it briefly throughout the day, or just leave it on? blast or not to blast?


Solar gardens are a go - good news for renters and apartment dwellers

If your roof isn’t suitable for solar panels or you don't call the shots, we might have a solution for you!


Considering rooftop solar, battery or hot water heat pump? This tool does a customised cost-effective analysis for you!

Find out which option is most cost-effective and best fits your home!


Our submission into the Senate Inquiry into Residential Electrification

We're inputting to shape policy for residential electrification here in Australia! Read our submission here #1MREADY


What to read and watch to learn more about energy, electrification and gas

a list of reads to get you on your way to a more efficient, and comfortable home that's cheaper to run!