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Indigenous rangers are burning the desert the right way – to stop the wrong kind of intense fires from raging

Dozens of Indigenous ranger groups have been hard at work burning to reduce the fuel load before the summer’s heat, here's why we need more of this.


5 tips for getting off gas at home – for a cleaner, cheaper, healthier future

Burning gas in our homes to cook food or heat air and water has become a contentious issue. Here's how to leave it behind.


What volunteering in an MP's office has taught me

An electoral office’s role is to serve their community and support the Member of Parliament to do their job. Before volunteering in an MPs office I had never thought to phone or email my MP, here's what happens when you do!


Declining sea ice in Antarctica and how it affects us all

The extent of sea ice surrounding Antarctica during the summer of 2022/23 was at its lowest level ever but even though we are far away from Antarctica, our actions can still contribute to stopping the ice levels drop further.


What I learnt from getting together with my friends to talk climate

As our 1 Million Women big weekend of conversations called 1M TALKING CLIMATE fast approaches, I am reflecting on the pilot get together that I hosted back in April.


Want To Make The Switch? Here’s A List Of Banks That Don’t Invest In Fossil Fuels!

We’ve put together a list below to help you understand which banks are contributing to the problem and which banks are striving for a “green” way forward.


How To Find (And Switch To) A Bank That Works Well For The Planet And Your Wallet

In this article we’ll cover off the steps for how to find an ethical bank that suits you.


All-electric homes are better for your hip pocket and the planet. Here's how governments can help us get off gas

If we want to electrify but can't afford it, governments could make it easier for us. Here's how.


The case for compost: why recycling food waste is so much better than sending it to landfill

Most food and garden waste in Australia comes from homes. Imagine if we could recycling all that food waste into high-quality compost? it's a win-win solution!