
Latest Sustainability posts

FoodGirls Clothes

5 Insta-Eco Women To Follow Right Now

Fill your Instagram feed with sustainable food, fashion and general tips through these talented sustainability gurus.


The Tricks I Used To Change My Plastic Habits

Guest Writer Erin Rhoads


Rediscovering nature through art, gardening and food

"As more and more of us are drawn to the cities, I feel it is important to preserve a place where nature can thrive"


I cycled across America on a bamboo bicycle to learn about our impact on the planet

​I decided that changing my life wasn't going to be a burden. Instead it was going to be fun and an adventure.


The World’s Highest Garbage Dump: Why tourists may need to reconsider scaling Mount Everest

With more people than ever before making the journey up this mighty mountain, the environmental impacts are starting to show


Cities of tomorrow: There’s more to Paris than baguettes and cobble-stones

Ahh Paris, you cobble-stoned, baguette filled, historic beauty, you. No wonder you’re known as the city of love. But rumour has it, you’re turning into a city of eco-innovation and sustainable planning too.


[Infographic] The world’s most energy efficient countries

How does your country stack up against the rest of the world?


Why we need a ‘space race’ approach to saving the planet

"It won’t deliver a “man on the moon” moment, but this investment is the only way to truly end our dependence on fossil fuels."

FoodGirls Clothes

What you eat impacts the planet

How students can use their food choices to promote sustainability