
[PHOTOS] What's left behind after the Melbourne cup? Quite a bit actually.

Around the globe, people are devastated and outraged by the deaths of two beautiful horses at the Melbourne Cup, Admire Rakti and Araldo. Animal activists are calling for immediate changes within the racing industry to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. If you want to help them make a difference you can click here , and pledge to never place a bet while this kind of cruelty is occurring in the industry. There is another major environmental problem reflected in the aftermath of the Melbourne Cup, our dismissive attitude towards to disposables and our throwaway society. These shocking photos will make you stop and take stock of what kind of a role disposables play in your life, especially with the festive season approaching.

Much of what we buy gets discarded. If items end up in landfills, or as litter, or polluting our oceans, our planet and the global climate are harmed and resources are wasted. Everything we buy has an environmental cost.

These photos are just a snippet of what was left behind after the 2014 Melbourne cup.

Image: The Age

Image: SMH

Image: The Australian

Image: 1688

Image: SMH

What can I do to make a difference?

You can find out more on how to ditch disposables from your life by clicking here..

Don't forget, every dollar you spend is a vote for the type of world you want to live in. Make your vote count!

READ THIS NEXT: Two young women have rethought how we deal with waste at large events.

1Million Women is more than our name, it's our goal! We're building a movement of strong, inspirational women acting on climate change by leading low-carbon lives. To make sure that our message has an impact, we need more women adding their voice. We need to be louder. Joining us online means your voice and actions can be counted. We need you.

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