
Latest Gardening posts


How To Make a Bee Bath

By making a bee bath in your backyard you'll help our fuzzy friends stay hydrated!


How To Keep A Fern Alive

Ferns seem to be one of the hardest house plants to keep alive. They want light but not too much. They want water but not to be wet. Sometimes it's about finding the right position. This is how to keep them alive.


This Guy Revived An Entire Population Of Rare Butterflies In His Backyard - Here’s How

The San Francisco population of California pipevine swallowtail butterflies were teetering on joining the latter until one dedicated biologist re-populated the species – in his own backyard.


Kokedama: How To Make Your Own String Garden

Kokedama is a traditional Japanese garden method, and easy to make at home!


10 secrets for growing the sweetest strawberries at home

Learn tips and tricks for growing your own strawberries at home


How To Make Sustainable Garden Beds

With the earth warming, and weather patterns becoming harsher, drought and water scarcity are becoming a fact of life for many people across the globe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a garden, you just have to get smart about using your resources!

FoodGirls Energy

How to: successfully grow your own tomatoes at home

You can grow your own delicious tomatoes at home. Find out how.


Grow me now: Blueberries

Ditch the plastic tray and learn to grow your own blueberries at home

Girls Share

DIY a mini garden using cinder blocks

Put together this stylish and practical planter using a few basic materials