
​10 Vegetable Offcuts You Should Be Juicing, Not Discarding

This is a 1 Million Women community guest post from Hannah Roeschlein. The research undertaken and opinions expressed by the guest writer/blogger and those providing comments are theirs alone.

Broccoli Stems. Want to give your cells some super nutritional support? Get some more broccoli into your diet! Broccoli contains active enzymes that support our antioxidant defenses and enhance detoxification. Broccoli stems are milder in flavour than the heads of the plant and can easily be snuck into your fruit and vegetable juices – just wash and go.

Beetroot leaves. Beetroots themselves are fantastic juicing veggies, but don't forget about their leaves and stalks. Beetroot plants are known as good liver cleansers, cardiovascular and blood tonics due to their high mineral and vitamin levels. Mixing beetroot or any other leafy greens with apple, lemon and ginger creates delicious and balanced green juices.

Cabbage outer leaves. It might not be the most appetising vegetable of the bunch, but did you know cabbage has a superpower? It's in the form of Vitamin U – a compound that helps to strengthen the stomach lining, reduce inflammation and combat stomach ulcers. It also provides an array of other nutrients including vitamin K, C, B's and sulfur for glowing skin.

Celery leaves. Although most of the celery plant can usually be used in cooking, you might be left with the leafy upper parts of the stalk from time to time. Make sure you don't let these parts go to waste, as celery is rich in minerals to support acid/alkaline balance in the body thereby helping to improve acidic conditions such as arthritis and gout. Celery juice can also help to reduce fluid retention as it acts as a mild diuretic. (note: read this articl e if you're worried that these leaves may be poisonous)

Coriander stems and roots. You either love it or you hate it, but you can't deny the health benefits of coriander. Don't waste the offcuts when you use fresh coriander leaves in the kitchen, add them to your juices instead! Coriander is nutrient rich, stimulates healthy digestive function and aids detoxification.

Fennel Fronds. Use the fronds from your fennel bulbs to create a delectable licorice flavoured, slightly sweet undertone to your juices. In herbal medicine, Fennel is also considered a good digestive support for bloating and indigestion.

Green leafy veggie stems (spinach, kale, rainbow chard). Don't get ride of those fibrous leaf stems so quickly! They can easily be added to juices for extra nutrition and an antioxidant boost. All colourful veggie parts are a nutritional win in my book, even the stems; just think of the vibrant reds, yellows and greens in a bunch of rainbow chard or curly kale.

Kohlrabi leaves. If you've never heard of kohlrabi before, don't worry; you're not alone.

It belongs to the cruciferous plant family along with broccoli and cabbage and contains many of the same health promoting nutrients. Kohlrabies are fibre rich, bulb shaped vegetables found in light green or vibrant purple varieties. Kohlrabi leaves and stems can be used interchangeably with kale/spinach in salads/juices.

Lettuce outer leaves. Lettuce is the perfect ingredient for green juice newbies due to its mild taste. Just like cabbage, it's a shame to waste the outer leaves of your lettuce as you peel them away to get to the cleaner and prettier lettuce inside. Even if your leaves are a bit tattered, simply give them a good wash and add them to your juice for some extra greeny goodness.

Parsley and mint stems. Another couple of everyday super greens you can salvage and add to your juicing regime. Both parsley and mint are soothing for sore tums, refreshing in taste and help to freshen breath, as they are rich in chlorophyll - natures own 'internal deodorant.'

About the author: Passionate about all things natural, Hannah writes to share ideas on high vitality health and nutrition. Qualified as a Naturopath with a special interest in sustainable living, you can read more of her work at

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Images: Pixabay

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