
Learn How to Cut Carbon In Your Daily Life With The 1 Million Women App

Our mission to empower women and girls from all around the world to act on the climate emergency has never been more urgent. For 10 years we have been using different platforms to give women the tools to take climate action in their lives and now we have developed an app to reach more people than ever before!

We want the 1 Million Women app to be our community's go-to tool. No matter where we all are on our journey to living a low-carbon life, we want the app to be a space for ideas, inspiration and conversation. It's full of actions that range from easy to hard, which help us cut carbon pollution in our lives. Natalie Isaacs, the Founder of 1 Million Women created the app so that we could further inspire those already taking climate action and also engage more women and girls to act on the climate emergency, bringing them along on our journey.

Already onboard? Download it here

Tell me more! What does the app do?

We've tried to squeeze 1 Million Women into an app. It's full of actions, tips, community connections and real-time carbon savings. Every day you'll see new actions in the app that will make your life more planet-friendly! You can choose from different themes and pick which kinds of actions you'll see. So if you're interested in curbing food waste but you've already got plastic-free down pat then you can change your preferences to see more food waste actions. We've packed the description full of the information you'll need to complete your action. And if we did miss anything, you can always turn to our community and comment on actions and articles, asking for tips.

Now that we've got the business end of things out of the way, we can talk about the part of the app that Natalie is most excited about - it's impact and how we can all see our power!

Become part of collective action to fight the climate emergency

Going it alone with climate action can be tough. Sometimes no matter how high we try to keep our spirits, the world can get us down. We want to show you the power of our community, and remind everyone that we are part of a big, global audience that cares about living climate action - you're not alone!

How do we do it? Well, we've sprinkled reminders all throughout our app - you'll never feel solo in your planet-friendly pursuits again! When you first open the app you'll see our world map, full of glittering lights that represent the users in the app! The more people act, the more lights there will be. If you're a curious cat you can open up the map to explore and see how many people are acting in your country.

The carbon savings we're all achieving through the app are also counted, not just individual savings, but country and global savings too! We've also made a space for groups! Whether it's a local council, a clothes swap group or an online community sharing positive climate news, you can start a group or join a group in our app (email if you're interested)!

Is that all?

There's even more but we don't want to give it all away and spoil the fun of discovering our app. One last thing we will say is that you can favourite articles, actions and comments so you'll always be able to find all the super information in the app and not have to go through the hassle of endless scrolling - we got your back!

This app means so much to us. It's more than just an app, it's years of hard work and is something we hold close to our hearts at 1 Million Women HQ. We believe that it can be a powerful tool to empower those around us. It can be used to share ideas, give advice and understand our power. It's been in our hands for a long time and now we are handing it over to you. And we want you to take it and help us make it the best it can be.

Our dream is that it will become a community-driven space where we can create actions that are important to our community and share the knowledge of the women and girls who now hold our app. We'd love for you to help us make this come true, download it here today and join the movement!

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