
Latest wildlife posts


Good news: highway underpasses for wildlife actually work

To find out whether animal underpasses work, we used wildlife cameras to monitor 12 underpasses for more than two years in north-east New South Wales.


Yes, the state of the environment is grim, but you can make a difference, right in your own neighbourhood

Here are five things we can think about to improve the state of our city environments, close to home and in our own neighbourhoods!


I want my vote to count for nature: how do the major parties stack up?

Protecting biodiversity isn’t just about the niceties of saving cute and cuddly animals. It’s about maintaining our health and prosperity, productive agriculture and liveable cities. So let’s take a closer look at political party promises, and whether they’re enough to turn things around for Australia’s threatened species.

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World wildlife day: Why we need to continue protecting these endangered animals

For World Wildlife Day 2022, we want to put the protection of animals and their natural habitat at the top of the agenda.


Experience the spectacular sounds of a Murrumbidgee wetland erupting with life as water returns

In spring of 2020, an environmental flow of about 16,000 million litres rolled into Nap Nap swamp in the Lowbidgee floodplain after a brief dry spell. The frogs began calling as the water returned. But don’t take our word for it - listen for yourself!


Nature doesn’t recognise borders but countries can collaborate to save species. The Escazú Agreement shows how

Nature rarely recognises national borders. Many Australian birds, for example, are annual visitors, splitting their time between Southeast Asia, Russia, and Pacific Islands. Yet, most efforts to protect ecological processes and habitats are designed and implemented by individual nations.


Where Are They Now? The Stories Of The 119 Species Still In Danger After The Bushfires, And How To Help

Here, dozens of experts tell the stories of the 119 species most in need of help after our Black Summer.


The First Mammal Has Officially Been Driven to Extinction Due To Climate Change

The world’s first mammal extinction due to human-induced climate change is a warning of what is to come.


The newest strategy for saving bees is really, really old

With pollinators in decline around the world, conservationists turn to traditional farmers for answers.