Fighting climate change through our everyday lives
At 1 Million Women we love to hate plastic. That's why we're all taking the challenge to go plastic free this July!
Have you signed up for Plastic Free July? Here's how to make it through the month plastic free.
Simple alternatives for over packaged cleaning products. Great for anyone who is trying to live plastic free or zero waste.
and how I got my plastic-free mojo back.
Do you need to banish all plastic from your life? do you need to make everything from scratch? Do you need to drastically change your life? Not necessarily so.
Jarring is a pretty new concept, in short, it basically means collecting the rubbish you can’t recycle into glass jars. So why is it taking off?
Plastic Free July (PFJ) aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic items in our lives, and challenges us to do something about it. This is what you'll need to succeed.
As soon as you start going as plastic-free as possible, you'll realise how doable it is and all the new habits you pick up during your Plastic Free July mission can be adopted long term.
Let's get Australian homes electrified!
Can you cut 1 Tonne of carbon pollution out of your life?