
Latest 1MW campaign posts


Your food waste could be turned into an indestructible material with environmental benefits

PlasCarb are researching ways to convert food scraps into graphene!


1.5 million solar lamps installed in Africa, a milestone to celebrate!

Did you know that 598 million people in Africa have no access to electricity, this leaves families with no clean source of light, and millions end up relying on expensive and dangerous sources of light. Some people use homemade kerosene lamps, which are a poor source of light, and emit ...


Eco-friendly alternative to the synthetic plastic toothbrush

​The toothbrush dates back to 3500-3000 BC when the Babylonians and the Egyptians made a brush by fraying the end of a twig. Their naturally made toothbrushes even ended up in their tombs with them when the died. But in modern times, our synthetic toothbrushes end up in landfill or ...


Join Global Divestment Day and unite in helping the world divest from fossil fuels

Global Divestment Day is about banding together in a global force to urge people, industries and governments to divest from fossil fuels. It takes place this week, on the 13th and 14th of February. Enjoy your Valentines day, protesting and breaking up with fossil fuels! Begin your new love with ...


The Cycle Re-cycle Club are looking for bike-minded people!

​Bike riding is a fantastic way to reduce your CO2 emissions and get around town. When living in a city, owning a car is more of a hassle than handy, a bike can get you anywhere and is cheap and accessible.


The world's first eco-battery made from recycled batteries

Taking into account consumer desires... which extend from just long-lasting batteries, but also eco friendly batteries, Energizer Inc. has created a battery which is made from 4% recycled material and are recyclable themselves. They hope for the percentage to increase in the future.


Could genetic modification be the key in saving Great Barrier Reef coral?

The Australian Government's Marine Research agency is exploring genetically altering species of coral to help them cope with rising sea temperatures.


Potato cultivation threatened due to rising temperatures of climate change

Climate change is the biggest threat to the cultivation of potatoes in Peru, after years of resilience. Warming temperatures are forcing farmers to find higher altitudes to grow their crops, however they running out of land to do this.


[VIDEO] Tips for Going Paperless

Deforestation, water pollution and waste are 3 major consequences of paper production.