
You got it, Tasmanian Government!

The Tasmanian Government is repeating its call for the Federal Government to sort out this uncertainty about the Renewable Energy target. Canberra is indicating that it wants a deal on the RET by Easter!

An energy forum was held in Hobart on Tuesday, where the State Energy Minister Matthew Groom stated that the uncertainty around the Target made a much bigger impact on Tasmania more than other states because of their reliance on hydroelectric power.

According to the ABC, "Tasmania is heavily invested in renewable energy, and we want to see an outcome in the RET that continues to underpin that investment," he told an energy forum in Hobart.

"I have unashamedly argued for a position that properly recognises our historic and on-going investment in renewable energy, and acknowledges the important and disproportionate role the major industrials play to the Tasmanian economy, and that allows for even greater recognition of hydro generation and the critical role it plays in delivering renewable energy nationally," he said.

The Federal Government hopes to land on a new Target by Easter, however, according to the Government Senate Leader Eric Abets the decision is ultimately up to Labor.

The ABC quoted, "As everybody knows, the Government does not have the numbers in the Senate, and therefore we do need to come to a landing in relation to the Renewable Energy Target, and this is a test of Bill Shorten's leadership," he said.

I think we all want some clarification and direction when it comes with the RET, but we want the right direction! We want a climate policy that resembles that of Denmark or countries of the like.

Shea Hogarth Former International Correspondent Suggest an article Send us an email