
Save Our Snowmen from Climate Change Displacement

Rising temperatures due to climate change are forcing our beloved snowmen to migrate north in order to stay alive. Visions of beautiful snow people all round and fluffy, topped with carrot noses and stick arms are melting violently from the harsh sun rays that plague their home.

But all is not lost, you can save these loveable snow people.

The Save Our Snowmen campaign from Cool Effect is raising awareness about rising temperatures, shrinking habitats and the decrease in snowmen height. They are calling for donations to help turn down the heat. Whilst the campaign is done in a satirical nature, because comedy is an effective way of getting the point across, the message is incredibly serious.

Check out this video, taking us on a tour of one of the snowmen sanctuaries and interviews with people who have been effected by the loss of snowmen.


We're in a climate emergency and it's going to take all of us to get out of it. That's why 1 Million Women is building a global community of women committed to fighting climate change with our daily actions. To join the (free) movement just click the button below!

Shea Hogarth Former International Correspondent Suggest an article Send us an email

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