
Beijing plans to ban coal use by the end of 2020

This is amazing news, and a great example of climate action!

Beijing plans to ban coal use in its six main districts by the end of 2020, applying major steps in efforts to combat air pollution. China has some pretty heavy pollution and smog problems, causing their air to be odorous, and sickening. In large cities like Beijing authorities on occasion recommend city residents not even leaving their houses due to the thick smog.

The Sydney Morning Herald states, "Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai and Shijingshan districts will all stop using coal and coal products and shut down coal-fired power plants and other coal facilities, the official Xinhua news agency said on Monday.

Fuel oil, petroleum coke, combustible waste and some biomass fuels will also be prohibited as part of the effort to fight pollution, Xinhua said."

The entry of smog masks into fashion in China highlights just how bad their air pollution is, however the rest of the world will not be far behind from adopting this fashion unless we curb our dependence on fossil fuels. China have picked up their game, but Australia seems to be getting deeper and deeper into coal, along with many other countries.

The rest of the world should take a leaf out of China's book...

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