
No Waste Festive Season - Merry Good Upcycled and DIY Decorations

We've given you some suggestions for a less wasteful Christmas tree this year. Today, we’re going to give you some ideas for decorating your home and tree without having to buy anything new...

Handmade decorations bring thought and meaning into your home, and can be a fun project for the whole family to do together. Instead of heading to the mall to buy colourful bobbles to decorate your tree this year (which are most often made from plastic), why not try making your own.

There are many ways to upcycle items you probably already have lying around the house into beautiful Christmas decor. Making your own ornaments will give them more sentimental value, and after Christmas you can keep them for next year, or in many cases easily recycle them. Here's our favourite ideas...

Ornaments made from recycled paper

Paper ornaments are some of the easiest to make. Remember back in kindergarten, the kind you used to make and bring home to your parents? Well nothing has changed and they are still a fabulous way to bring some festive cheer to your home and tree this year. Gather up all the scrap and recycled paper in the house for this project. You can make simple paper snowflakes with a pair of scissors and string. Or try these 3D paper stars which would make great adornments for your tree.

Leaves and twigs

With a little paint, glue and string - items found in nature can become stand out decorations with a rustic and earthy feel to them. On your next walk, have a look around on the ground for some twigs or nice looking leaves and get creative. You could use twigs to make hanging tree or snowflake ornaments, or paint leaves to hang.

Cookie cutter and edible ornaments

How easy is this! If you’ve got some spare cookie cutters, you can reduce that clutter by making it into an ornament. All you have to do is put a string on them and hang 'em up. They’ll provide a little extra shine and can be put back into your cookie cutter tin for later use once the holiday has passed! You could also decorate the cookie cutters with some patterned tape if you have some lying around. Another great idea is edible decorations like gingerbread cookies. These add more character then plastic bobbles. Remember, the idea is 'No-Waste' this festive season, so if you will make edible decorations make sure they get eaten before perishing.

Have you heard about our No Waste Festive Season challenge? FIND OUT THE DETAILS AND REGISTER HERE

Recycled Paper Garlands

These are another great idea for using up scrap and recycled paper. Just cut out the shapes you want, perhaps stars, or hearts, paint them and add them to a piece of string. You could easily wrap a paper garland around your tree instead of tinsel this year, or hang them all around the house. After Christmas they could be saved for next year or recycled.

Recycled wine bottles or glass jars

Painting wine bottles or glass jars that you have lying around at home can give them a new life for the festive season. If you happen to have some blackboard paint, then we love this idea to paint a wine bottle with blackboard paint. You could write festive messages on it everyday. Glass jars are also very versatile for Christmas decorations. You could make beautiful candle holders, vases, or even mini snow globes.

Upcycled wine corks

How about making 'Rudolf the cork dear' this year! For the most basic reindeer you’ll need: two wine corks and 7 little twigs (4 for the legs, 2 for the antlers, 1 for the neck). These would look adorable on a mantlepiece or hanging by a string on your tree. You could also make a wreath out of cork, or an awesome wall piece like this love heart.

We challenge you to be ultra crafty with your Christmas decorations this year and we’d love you to share your creations with us by entering our Photo A Day competition . Each Week there is an exciting and sustainable mini Lush prize pack to be won.

Enter your photos here.


In the days leading up to Christmas, 1 Million Women will offer an alternative to what has turned into a hugely consumerist holiday. We give you a path to take on which you can ignore the external pressures telling you to ‘buy more’ and that ‘the more you buy the happier you will make your loved ones’.

The Festive season is a time to share with your loved ones.

Take up the personal challenge, join us for a 'No Waste Festive Season'! Register here and we’ll support you every step of the way.