
New App that encourages kids to be environmentally aware

Check out this great new app created by Kylee Ingram called Habitat that encourages kids to go outside and play in the nature, while also encouraging environmental consciousness!

These days, its hard to drag kids away from technology, whether its video games, iPads, computers and many other "screens". I know my little brother spends way more time on video games as opposed to being outside, which was even different only 10 years ago when I was around his age.

But this app has the best of both worlds by allowing kids to learn and get inspired by animals and environmental challenges. Users learn about environmental stewardship by adopting a virtual polar bear and helping it grow by performing simple real-life eco-challenges tracked in the app. It also gets kids outside by encouraging them through certain games on the app.

So if your kids are addicted to the "screen", like many others in today's society, try get them onto Habitat. It's both educational and fun!

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