
Gingers predicted to become extinct due to climate change

Being a red head myself I first found this hilarious, how could a group of humans become extinct because of the colour of their hair?!

But some scientists believe that gingers, with their pale skin complexion, will be soon extinct as a result of increasingly sunny skies due to climate change. Scientists believe that the gene that causes red hair was an evolutionary response to cloudy skies, allowing inhabitants to get as much vitamin D as possible.

This is why in Ireland, Scotland and the UK there are so many red heads, the weather is much cloudier up there! With increasing temperatures, it is said that redheads could cease to exist within centuries!

According to Mirror , around 13% of Scotlands population have red hair, and 40% of Edinburgh’s population are thought to carry the red hair/blue eye gene. In the North and West of the UK, 29% of the population are believed to have the gene.

Now my fight against climate change has transformed into a much more personal vendetta against the sun!

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