
Solar Roadways - New Technology To Brighten Our Future

This breakthrough solar technology could cut Greenhouse Gases By 75%!

Think about all the roads, pavements, concrete and asphalt courts and bike tracks that sit their soaking up the sun all day long. Then think about how we could use these as a sustainable source of energy. The solution: Solar Roadways!

As the world changes and technology advances there are some things that have always remained the same, such as roads. We use them every day and they are everywhere; the thought that they could actually be useful to stopping climate change is revolutionary!

Scott and Julie Brusaw have invented solar panels that would replace roads and pavements everywhere to generate energy. Their goal is to cover all concrete and asphalt surfaces that are exposed to the sun with Solar Road Panels. In doing so, it could lead to the end of the world’s dependency on fossil fuels!

The Solar Panels have been designed to withstand the heaviest of trucks, they are installed with LED lights which will create the road lines and signage, including “slow down” signs. They even light up if animals are crossing to warn oncoming cars!

The solar panels themselves are made out of glass that has undergone traction testing, load testing and impact resistance testing, passing all tests successfully. There are also heating elements in the panels that will keep roads snow and ice free during the winter! They use as many recycled materials as they can to produce the panels, such as recycled glass.

This innovative invention could eradicate all need for constant road work and upkeep, but will also create brand new job opportunities in manufacturing factories that will need to be implemented around the world.

The Solar Road Panels are not complete yet, but hopefully they will be soon! This invention really could be the future, and what a colourful future it would be.

To learn more, check out these websites:

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