
4 Ingredient DIY Hairmask

Think twice before buying beauty products - there are many ingredients in your kitchen, or even leftover from yesterday's lunch, that can be used instead of buying extra cosmetics.

Over-consumption and waste in our throwaway society are placing an unbearable strain on the planet’s natural resources and environment, with climate change a major symptom of the problem. Save money, energy and pollution through thoughtful purchases, and always ask yourself - do I really need this?

Mega Moisturising Hair Mask


(Can be adjusted depending on hair length and thickness, or how much avocado is leftover from your brekky)

1 tablespoon coconut oil, gently heated so it's soft enough to mix with other ingredients

1/2 banana, mashed

1 egg

1/2 avocado


Simply mix all ingredients in a bowl then apply to damp hair, massaging it in well.

Leave for about 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Read More about reducing your consumption here.

Reduce what you buy and always ask: Do I really need this?

Estimated CO2 Saving: 17kg per month (200kg per year)

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