
A message from Christiana Figueres In recognition of 1 Million Women on International Women’s Day

Statement from Christiana Figueres

Executive Secretary

United Nations Climate Change Secretariat

In recognition of 1 Million Women on International Women’s Day

Women are a powerful yet untapped resource in the global effort to meet the challenge of climate change. Empowering women unlocks this potential. Increasing equality creates equitable and inclusive social and economic development, a crucial component of effective climate change response.

Bolstered by groups like 1 Million Women, the last few years have seen unprecedented leadership by women who are rising to meet the climate challenge. I am inspired by each and every woman who has joined the campaign – your small steps to save energy, reduce waste and cut pollution are adding up to a big difference.

On International Women’s Day, I want to express my sincere admiration and appreciation for the work that 1 Million Women does. Effectively addressing climate change requires action from all of us, with efforts that are both large and small. Our work is strengthened when women and men unite to find solutions to global challenges. Equality for women is truly progress for all.


Join us in taking practical action on dangerous climate change through the way that we live, the choices we make and the way we spend our money.