
SEASONAL RECIPE: Baba ghanoush - Eggplant Dip

I love recipes that pack-a-punch using seasonal produce, especially simple no-hassle ones like this party favourite Baba ghanoush. If you have an eggplant that's looking a little sad or withered then this is the perfect recipe to make sure it doesn't go to waste. Baba ghanoush is a healthy and delicious snack, dinner party starter or picnic addition. I added a little pinch of chilli too just to spice things up. Enjoy!

Baba ghanoush - Eggplant Dip


  1. 1 eggplant
  2. zest and juice of 1/2 a lemon
  3. 3 tbsp tahini
  4. 2 cloves garlic
  5. 2 tsp ground cumin
  6. pinch of cayenne pepper (or paprika)
  7. Squirt of honey
  8. glug of olive oil
  9. salt to taste


Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius and roast eggplant for around 25 minutes, until soft.

Blend (skin and all) and add all the other ingredients.

Serve with crudites or bread.

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