
No Waste Christmas: Sustainable Purchases

The 1 Million Women 'No Waste Christmas' campaign comes down to the way we are choosing to spend, or more importantly to not spend our money this Christmas. So far we've touched on DIY and upcycled decorations , ' No Waste' christmas trees , greening your wish list and some great 'No Waste' gift alternatives for kids .  But, DIY isn't always going to work for everyone. If that's the case, it's important that we use our money to support sustainable industries and business. Remember, every time we spend our money (or don't) we are casting a vote for the type of world we want to live in. This holiday season when you spend your money remember:

  • Tis the season to shop locally and support small business owners.
  • Do your research
  • Quality over quantity
Here are 3 awesome online places to browse for gifts this Christmas.

Checking It twice

Checking it Twice is a free service helping you find great Christmas gifts that are better for the planet, people and animals.

Checking it Twice provides you with ideas for gifts that: have been specifically created to provide a particular benefit to the environment, farmers and workers, animals or a local community, have been independently certified as pro-environment, FairTrade, cruelty free and so on, or are better than their peers, according to reliable sources.

See their FAQ for more information on criteria and sources.

Oxfam Shop's Christmas Catalogue

Oxfam Shop's Christmas catalogue is now online. With hundreds of hand-crafted gifts that will delight any home.

Where does the money go? Oxfam have been working with communities for more than 50 years and provide people with the skills and resources to help them create their own solutions to poverty.


Give the Green gift that keeps on giving!

Sow ’n Sow combines a love of gardening with a flair for design to produce products which delight green thumbs and novice gardeners alike.  Sow ‘n Sow’s products are made in Australia using environmentally-friendly materials including 100% recycled paper.