
Vegan Sugar-free coconut and chocolate cookies

I’m always looking for healthy snack recipes to take to work to satisfy my afternoon sweet cravings, so when I saw this recipe I really wanted to try it. I made a few adjustments and the cookies turned out really well. Plus I’m trying to get my colleague Holly to stop going to buy Subway cookies almost every afternoon, so I’m hoping healthy homemade cookies might help. I already had all of the ingredients at home so those cookies were super easy to make, it took about 15 minutes to make the dough, I left it in the fridge for a few hours then I baked them for 15 minutes. They’re delicious hot out of the oven, so make sure not to burn yourself like I did. They’re also great cold so you can store them for a week or so (in an airtight container) and have them for breakfast, take them to work, to the gym, pop them in your kids’ lunchboxes etc. Oats are perfect as they provides high levels of fiber and protein. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease. And chia seeds are great as they provide sustainable energy, and are full of fiber and antioxidants.

Vegan Sugar-free coconut and chocolate cookies

To make approx. 16 small cookies.

What you’ll need:

½ cup Medjool dates

½ cup desiccated coconut

½ cup oats (rolled oats or quick oats are fine)

½ cup plain uncooked almonds

3 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon of chia seeds (don’t worry if you don’t have any)

1/3 cup vegan chocolate chips (70% cacao or higher is best) Or you can replace the chocolate chips by sultanas or dried cranberries if you prefer.

A dash of fresh orange juice


- Blend the dates, oats, coconut and almonds in a food processor until you get a fine crumbly mix.

- Pour in a mixing bowl, add the coconut oil and orange juice and mix it all together with your hands.

- Roll the paste into a log. If it’s too crumbly add a bit more coconut oil until it holds its shape.

- Place the log in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up. If you don’t have enough time, feel free skip this step.

- Preheat your oven to 170C.

- Take the dough and slice it into small cookies, however thick you want them. I like mine in between 2 and 5mm thick.

- Place the cookies on a baking sheet, and bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, until they look slightly brown.

- Cool your cookies on a wire rack to firm up and store in an air tight container for a week or so.

Enjoy! xx

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