
Latest Plastic posts


Indonesia's plastic pollution issue

Indonesia is the world's second greatest plastic polluter, and it's got a lot to do with poverty


Micro-plastics in the ocean come from fabric fibers

Micro-plastics in the ocean come from fabric fibers


Coffee pods: How (and why) to kick the single-use pod habit

We answer the frequently asked questions about use, disposal and alternatives


Incredible Alternatives To Plastic Inspired By Nature

Say goodbye to planet-polluting plastics thanks to these amazing inventions!


How To: Upcycle plastic shopping Bags

Make the switch to reusable shopping bags and then upcycle your old plastic bags into these useful projects.


Turn plastic bags into usable rope with this super easy DIY

Turn that trash into treasure (and something useful to have around the house!)


[How to] Make a basket out of plastic bags

No knitting or crochet required to make this awesome upcycled project


Eggcellent: How To Make This Easter A Sustainable One

You can still enjoy Easter and chocolate sustainably, simply by making a few informed choices. Eco-conscious chocoholics rejoice!


3 steps to start living your plastic-free, zero-waste life

Are you fed up with the impacts of mindless consumption and a throw-away society? Plastic free living or even a zero waste lifestyle might be for you!