
Latest Gardening posts


Grow me now: tips for successfully cultivating your own coriander

Learn tips for growing your own coriander


Grow your own flowers: sweet peas

Grow your own flowers: sweet peas


Growing veggies safely: how to get your soil tested for free

Growing veggies safely: how to get your soil tested for free


Grow me now: Egyptian Walking Onions

Get to know your seasonal produce with this guide to Egyptian walking onions or tree onions


Get To Know Your Native Ingredients: Midyim Berries

Native ingredients have been used by Australia's first people for thousands of years. They're nutritious and love Australian climate. So why don't we eat more of them?


Why gardening is good for your mind as well as your body

Gardening is an opportunity for everyone to experience this kind of regular contact with nature, even if they live in built-up areas. For those without a garden of their own, allotments or community gardens are a highly valuable resource.


[DIY] How to grow onions from scraps

This tutorial is great for cutting down on waste and saving you some cash. So simple!


[DIY] Make wrapping paper that grows food

What a great idea for waste-free-festivities!


[Infographic] The Herb Growing Cheat Sheet

Growing your own produce at home is a gift that keeps on giving! Here's a great infographic to help you grow your own herbs. Use them in recipes or share with your local community...