
1 Million Women Ambassador Tilly Hunt responds to Rupert Murdoch's Climate Change Views

Fox founder Rupert Murdoch explained earlier this week that climate change shouldn’t worry you. 15-year-old Tilly Hunt, a 1 Million Women Ambassador, tells us and Mr Murdoch exactly why it should...

Mr Rupert Murdoch, what comes to your mind when you hear this name?

To me I used to hear, well-trusted and informed business man. I used to think "wow", it would be amazing to be him, to have seen so many news stories, and that he'd have the best opinion on all controversial and political issues; as he is/has been the leader of so many newspapers and news broadcasts etc.

But now I think, how could a man surrounded by so much evidence be so clueless!

It disappoints me gravely that a man of Mr Murdoch's stature could be lead so astray. What leads him to believe that human induced climate change is just a part of natures course? May I ask you Mr Murdoch, do you think it's part of natures course for itself to self destruct?

Maybe you think that climate change is Mother Nature having a mid-life crises and that we humans have nothing to do with it. But let me tell you we do!

A mid-life crises is triggered buy something; a divorce, getting fired from a job, a death. Mr Murdoch we are that divorce, that excruciating ex-wife, that is always digging her nails into you. We are ruining this planet: mother natures life, and we can stop it!

If we have influential people like you supporting us, we can take our terrible fake nails out of mother natures skin, we can save this planet for future generations. But we need people like you who don't like change, or don't like accepting that they have made mistakes in the way they've lived, to change their ways and teach younger generations how to live a good life, how to support Mother Nature, not bring her more harm.

So Mr Murdoch are you saying you believe that we are not contributing to this crisis? Are you saying that because you waste electricity and food, that it is mother natures fault. And are you going to make your kids; James, Elizabeth or Lachlan live with the consequences?

Will you be happy with yourself when your grandchildren are born and you realise that you've compromised their future, or the future of their children? Will you? Because if so please wake up and see that you are very wrong!

If I can see the reality of climate change, and I am a 15 yr old girl, with much less life experience than you, then I would be ashamed if you couldn't.

Look at the evidence and do something to save the lives of future generations. Do it now, because one day it will be too late.


Join us in taking practical action on dangerous climate change through the way that we live, the choices we make and the way we spend our money.