
Our favourite upcycling projects of the week

why are upcycling and reusing important?

Nothing that can be recycled should be going into landfill. By recycling, reusing and upcycling we can save an estimated 17kg per month (200kg per year) of C02 a month. Recycle everything you can. Anything made from metal, wood, most plastics, paper and cardboard, and electronic e-waste are all likely to have a recycling option.

We have searched the web for easy DIY’s and upcyling projects to save you time and energy, that you can invest into you new project. Check out our 3 favourite projects for this week!

From old pallets to bed ends with Recycle Art

Though this article is branded as 'bed's for boys', I can't quite figure out why... because I would KILL for beds like these. In fact if I can figure out how to lug a pallet back to my apartment I am making one of these for my queen bed this weekend!

Paper bag's into woven fruit baskets with Eli

This rustic looking basket is super easy to make and is such a great way to use up any old paper bags you might have laying around. All you will need is a paper bag, ruler, pen, scissors, small clothes pegs and a small hot glue gun. Head over to Eli's blog to find out more.

Table cloths into a lampshade with Recycle Art

This is a lamp made from three old tablecloths knitted (linen string) around a pilates ball as a mold, but you could try making mini versions with old doilies. You can even try transparent fabric underneath to make the light softer. Read how to make your own here .

You can check out last weeks favourite DIY’s by clicking here .

Don’t forget to head over to the 1MW website for information on taking action against dangerous climate change! We are daughters, mothers, sisters and grandmothers getting on with practical climate action to live better for us and the planet. Join the movement at