
Latest 1 Million Women Campaign posts


Costa Rica has used only renewable energy for this year!

Costa Rica has been using solely renewable energy to generate power for at least the first 75 days of this year, which is a record for any country in the world!


Power down and off to reduce your energy consumption

Switching the power off of powering down when appliances are not in use is a great way to reduce you're energy consumption, and save you money at the same time!


Florida State Official awkwardly avoids using the term "Climate Change"

The smiling Senator mocks the state official as he avoids using the term "climate change"


Giga-what? The RET lowdown from the Climate Council

The Renewable Energy Target (RET) has ​been a prominent topic of discussion over the past year. As the Climate Council describes, "The RET tends to get caught up in technical terms and specialised arguments- like how many gigawatthours (GWh) the target should be- making it difficult for anyone not int ...


Canadian food retailer launches ugly food campaign

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a beautiful piece of fruit is judged by the one who eats it. So, why the need for aesthetically pristine foods, the slightly damaged and a bit uglier ones are still just as tasty!


Cyclone Pam leaves 24 people dead in Vanuatu, president holds Climate Change accountable

Cyclone Pam tore through Vanuatu this previous weekend, and at least 24 people are dead, with fears there may be more.


Plane takes off to fly around the world using solar energy!

The first plane of its kind to fly around the world using solely solar energy has launched in Abu Dhabi, making a journey to promote green energy on a massive scale.


Your food waste could be turned into an indestructible material with environmental benefits

PlasCarb are researching ways to convert food scraps into graphene!


1.5 million solar lamps installed in Africa, a milestone to celebrate!

Did you know that 598 million people in Africa have no access to electricity, this leaves families with no clean source of light, and millions end up relying on expensive and dangerous sources of light. Some people use homemade kerosene lamps, which are a poor source of light, and emit ...