
Upcycling clothes - with Sew it Again

Creativity, innovation and commitment are the qualities that 1 Million Women encourages and promotes. We found these qualities in Jane Milburn who committed to make a daily practice in 2014 of upcycling garments from her own and others' wardrobes as a way of creating and sharing a different way of dressing.

An agricultural scientist by training and an issues-based communications consultant by practice, Sew it Again is her journey into creativity, empowerment, thrift, sustainability, ecological health and wellbeing – woven with threads of childhood, professional expertise, networks and nature.

Jane was pleasantly surprised by the quality of clothing in opportunity shops and shocked to learn that sometimes as little as 20% end up on clothes racks. Most are sold as industrial rags, packaged off to developing countries or simply dumped in landfills.

Clothes that don't fit properly, are a little worn out or out of style can be refashioned with some imagination and practice. The creations include clothes, decorations and gifts.

Check out her website by clicking here and see how she did it and what she created for the year. 2014 isn't even finished yet!!!

There are some great decoration ideas for 'No Waste Festive Season' too, click here to see some!

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