
What is scarier than Halloween?

China’s latest fashion craze: Smog masks...

I came across this article today on Grist , and must say I am utterly horrified, which is fitting because its Halloween.

So we all know China has some pretty heavy pollution and smog problems, causing their air to be odorous, and sickening. While that's scary enough for local authorities in cities like Beijing to, on occasion, recommend city residents not even leaving their houses, thats not whats given me the jitters today.

This picture from China's Fashion Week is the culprit and I'll tell you why - because top Chinese models wearing 'fashionable' pollution-inspired smog masks absolutely should not belong in our world!

A Reuters fashion correspondent reported from the runway that the smog mask was this season’s hottest accessory, something which just doesn't sit right with me.

Designer Yin Peng may be embracing the country’s ongoing problems with pollution by incorporating the need for face masks into their Spring/Summer 2015 sportswear collection. I am not trying to criticise him and his motives personally. I just feel it's truly scary to think some parts of the world have arrived at such a state.

Just the idea of the smog mask becoming fashionable saddens me, because underneath the hype and appeal of owning this seasons hottest item in China, is the cold reality of how humans are permanently changing this earth.

In February last year, even Japan was subjected to unwanted clouds of suffocating smog wafting over from China which would be frightful indeed.

Fear however is paralysing, which is why I don't like to consort with it much, and China have started making their own commitments to combatting climate change and reducing pollution so hopefully this fashion trend will pass just like this All Hallows' Eve.

All picture credits - (Reuters/Stringer)

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