
Frogs endangered due to climate change

When thinking about climate change it is easy to think about the effects it will make on humans, and things that will occur in the future if we don't act now. But in reality, the effects of climate change are already effecting species, and it is up to us to stop it!

Many animals are in extreme danger due to global warming, and frogs are high up on that list. According to Save the Frogs , a non-profit organisation dedicated to amphibian conservation, " Amphibians are without a doubt the most endangered groups of animals on the planet; nearly 1/3 of the world's species are on the brink of extinction." Amphibians skin is extremely thin which makes them sensitive to even minor changes in temperature.

As mentioned on the National Geographic News " Global warming is wreaking havoc on amphibians and will cause staggering losses of biodiversity if we don't do something fast ", stated by J. Alan Pounds, lead study author and resident scientist at Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. According to Pounds and his colleagues, frogs in Central and South America have been disappearing due to disease spurred on by changing water and air temperatures.

What can you do to help?

Donate to and become a member of Save the Frogs !

Don't use pesticides and herbicides - they are toxic and undergo little to no testing on amphibians plus frogs have permeable skin that is highly absorbent.

Don't eat frogs! Even if you are in France and wrapped up in the romanticised idea of frog legs sliding down your throat, think of the frogs. Plus, harvesting for frog trade is often unregulated, meaning that there are no protocols in place to check that diseased amphibians do not get transported.

Do not purchase wild-caught amphibians- Wild amphibian trade is thus a significant contributor to declines and extinctions of frogs.

Being sustainable in your life will reduce the impact on frogs too! Obviously, climate change is a major contributor to the disappearance of frogs, thus reducing your carbon footprint and joining the fight against climate change will help save frogs and other endangered species.

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