
Three DIY kitchen cleaners for your workplace

With basic ingredients you can clean just about anything...

Many of the products we use to clean our homes or workplace contain substances and chemicals that are detrimental to human health and to the environment.

Luckily, there are alternatives, like making your own cleaners from simple everyday products.

This post is more suited for people who run their own business, or work in a smaller company and can take control over the workplace cleaning. These DIY cleaning tips could be easily applied in your own home too.

  • Click here to see all the basic ingredients needed for making DIY cleaners.
  • See last weeks DIY cleaning recipes - 3 DIY bathroom cleaners for your workplace .
  • DIY Cleaning Recipes

    All-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner: Using funnel, put 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon dish soap, and 2 tablespoons vinegar into your spray bottle. Give it a stir/shake. Let it sit for a minute, now fill bottle with warm water and shake it up. Give it a few more minutes to calm down, and add a few drops of essential oil if desired.

    Dishwasher liquid: Stir 1/2 cup liquid castile soap and 1/2 cup water together. Then add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 3 drops tea tree extract, 1/4 cup white vinegar and stir until blended. Put in squeeze bottle. Use 2 tablespoons per load.

    Sink or Stovetop Cleaner: Put a 1/3 cup baking soda in a bowl. Mix in enough warm water so that you get a nice moist paste. Put paste on sponge or brush and scrub away. Make it as you need it.

    We're highlighting how to make your office more sustainable all throughout February - check out these posts...

    1. - DIY all-purpose 3 ingredient cleaner for your workplace
    2. - How to green your workplace
    3. - 10 reasons why your workplace should go green

    And don't forget to take part in our monthly photo a day challenge, this month's theme is (you guessed it) sustainable workplace. You can inform, inspire and motivate each other with your amazing sustainable photos and there are great prizes to be won! Play photo a day by clicking here .


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